Empowering You To Empower Others

They say give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach him how to fish...and he'll eat for a lifetime! And that beautifully sums up the heart and purpose of this ministry.


It's great when people help us and do things for us, but when we understand the principles of God's kingdom, and learn
to activate the blessings of God in our own lives, we experience a whole new realm of living! That, my friends is true empowerment.


The resources provided in this ministry will change your life by changing the way you see yourself. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and once you catch a glimpse of your future through God's eyes...you'll never see life the same way again.


So, brace yourself for new beginnings!


 Michael Ekwulugo


Smile Your Miracle's On the Way!